The Infinite Ideas blog

We write on a variety of subjects and often post exclusive ideas by our bestselling authors. We publish a diverse list and our blog reflects this so if you don’t find a post that interests you today check back later in the week and you’ll probably find something that takes your fancy. Happy reading.

Customer engagement strategies: The future of marketing

25 June 2013 by in Business and finance

We’re always banging on about delivering content to consumers at the moment they most need it. Examples? Well, interview technique advice might best be read on your smart phone half an hour before the interview. Or public speaking tips right before you take the stage. That’s the beauty of mobile communications. Sponsored content provided in …
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Brand enhancement: another thought-provoking argument

19 June 2013 by in Business and finance

Here’s another thought-provoking argument about fast food brands and their use of a Disney tie-in to enhance their brand. But it seems to us it’s all a bit old hat (and the one comment on the site as I write this would seem to agree with me). MacDonald’s and Burger King have been doing this …
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Surviving and thriving in cross-cultural turbulence at work

13 June 2013 by in Business and finance, Lifestyle

Unless you never venture beyond your home town, you’ll know that engaging with a person from a different background, sometimes under unusual and unpredictable circumstances, or in a new environment, requires a certain amount of understanding – or cultural intelligence. Often in life we need to modify our behaviour – our body language, the way we speak …
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We love Marketing Week

10 June 2013 by in Book publishing

Just have a skim through the article that hit our inbox today. It’s refreshing to see that the digital revolution is causing as much angst and navel gazing in the marketing world as it has in the quaint old world of book publishing. Today, brands can reach consumers twenty-four hours a day through social media, …
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Real-time marketing

15 May 2013 by in Book publishing

I was struck by this article in Marketing Week, ‘Heineken to build ‘real-time marketing’ drive around mobile, relating to Heineken’s new marketing push. Real time marketing to consumers – communicating with them at the precise moment they are engaging in an activity or an interest – seems to be the buzz idea at present. And …
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Two new gluten-free books

7 May 2013 by in Lifestyle

Food and diet writer Kate Santon has written two new gluten-free ebooks, which Infinite Ideas are publishing this month. The books are called Living gluten-free and Gluten-free kids. They’re handy, quick guides if you suffer from coeliac disease or know someone who does. Living gluten-free by Kate Stanton Adopting a gluten-free diet is essential if …
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